Seattle Public Schools

3200 Written Rules of Student Conduct

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board to adopt written rules regarding pupil conduct, discipline, and rights. To accomplish this objective, the Seattle School Board will annually approve a Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools document pertaining to student rights, conduct, and corrective actions, updated by the superintendent. This will be made available to all students, their parents, and school staff. Reasonable student and parent access to this document will be provided in print and also be provided on the district website. A condensed Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools flyer will be provided to all students and their parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year and when students newly enroll in Seattle Public Schools.

It is the further policy of the Seattle School Board that student discipline rules and procedures will follow the substantive and procedural due process guarantees established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chapter 392-400 WAC. Further these discipline rules will be in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), its implementing regulations, and other federal laws.

It is the further policy of the Seattle School Board that district schools are authorized to adopt written school rules that are not inconsistent with federal or state laws, or policies of Seattle Public Schools. The school principal and staff shall confer at least annually to develop and/or review student conduct standards and the uniform enforcement of those standards for the school. They shall ensure that school rules are published in student handbooks or provide parents and students reasonable electronic access to and knowledge of school rules.

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